Tuesday, March 17, 2009

CSS Attributes

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CSS Attributes and value for FONT
Attribute Font-Family: (To change font type.)

1. Arial
2. Arial Black
3. Cambria
4. Comic Sans MS
5. Marlett
6. Monotype Corsiva
6. MS Outlook
7. Papyrus
9. Rage Italic
10. Small Fonts
And more........

Attribute Font-Size: (To change Font size)

1. 10 to 100 by using px ex. 11px
2. xx-small
3. x-small
4. x-small
5. x-small
6. large
8. x-large
9. xx-large
10. smaller
And more..........

Attribute Font-Weight: (To change font Weight.)

1. normal
2. bold
3. Italic
4. lighter
5. bolder
6. inherit
7. 100
8. 200
9. 300
10. 400
And more.........

Attribute Font-Style: (To Change Font Style.)

1. italic
2. normal
3. oblique
4. inherit

Attribute Text-Transform:(to Transform Text.)

1. capitalize
2. lowercase
3. none
4. uppercase
5. inherit

Attribute Color: (To change Font Color.)

1. Black
2. Green
3. Red
4. Blue
5. pink
And [Color Codes]

CSS Attributes and value for Background

Attribute Background-Color:(To Change Background Color)

1. transparent
2. Black
3. Green
4. Blue
5. Pink
And [Color Codes]

Attribute Background-Image:(To Put a background Image)

1. url('Your Image Link')

CSS Attributes and value for Border

Attribute Border-Style:(To create a Border Style)

1. solid
2. inherit
3. dashed
4. dotted
5. dotted
6. groove
7. hidden
9. inset
10. none
And More.........

Attribute Border-Width:(To Make Border Width.)

1. thin
2. medium
3. thick
4. inherit
5. 10 to 100 By using px Ex. 11px

Attribute Border-Color:(To Make Border Colorful.)

1. Black
2. Green
3. Red
4. Pink
5. Blue
And [Color Codes]

CSS Attributes and value for Box

Attribute Padding:(To Make a Box Pad.)

1. inherit
2. 1 to 900 By using px Ex. 11px

Attribute Margin:

1. auto
2. inherit
3. 10 to 100 By using px Ex. 11px

CSS Attributes and value for Table

Attribute Table-Layout: (For Table Layout.)

1. auto
2. fixed
3. inherit

Attribute Border-Collapse:

1. collapse
2. separate
3. inherit

Attribute Border-Spacing:(To Make Border Space.)

1. inherit
2. 10 to 100 By using px Ex. 11px

Attribute Empty-Cells:(To Configure Empty Cell.)

1. hide
2. show
3. inherit

Attribute Caption-Side:

1. bottom
2. top
3. inherit

Attribute Display: (For display type)

1. block
2. inline
3. inline-block
4. inline-table
5. list-item
6. none
7. run-in
8. table
9. table-caption
10. table-cell
And more.......

Attribute Clear:

1. both
2. left
3. right
4. none
5. inherit

CSS Attributes and value for POSITION

Attribute Position:
1. absolute
2. fixed
3. relative
4. static
5. inherit

Attribute z-index:
1. auto
2. inherit

Attribute width:
1. auto
2. inherit
3. (value) 1 to 900 By using px Ex. 11px

Attribute height:
1. auto
2. inherit
3. (value) 1 to 900 By using px Ex. 11px

Attribute top:
1. auto
2. inherit
3. (value) 1 to 900 By using px Ex. 11px

Attribute right:
1. auto
2. inherit
3. (value) 1 to 900 By using px Ex. 11px

Attribute bottom:
1. auto
2. inherit
3. (value) 1 to 900 By using px Ex. 11px

Attribute left:
1. auto
2. inherit
3. (value) 1 to 900 By using px Ex. 11px

CSS Attributes and value for LAYOUT

Attribute visibility:
1. collapse
2. hidden
3. visible
4. inherit

Attribute display:
1. inline
2. inline-block
3. inline-table
4. list-item
5. none
6. run-in
7. table
8. table-caption
9. table-cell
10. table-column
11. table-column-group
12. table-footer-group
13. table-header-group
14. table-row
15. table-row-group
16. inherit

Attribute float:
1. left
2. none
3. right
4. inherit

Attribute clear:
1. both
2. left
3. none
4. right
5. inherit

Attribute cursor:
1. crosshair
2. default
3. e-resize
4. help
5. move
6. n-resize
7. ne-resize
8. nw-resize
9. pointer
10. progress
11. s-resize
12. se-resize
13. sw-resize
14. text
15. w-resize
16. wait
17. inherit

Attribute overflow:
1. auto
2. hidden
3. scroll
4. visible
5. inherit

Attribute top:
1. auto
2. inherit
3. (value) 1 to 900 By using px Ex. 11px

Attribute right:
1. auto
2. inherit
3. (value) 1 to 900 By using px Ex. 11px

Attribute bottom:
1. auto
2. inherit
3. (value) 1 to 900 By using px Ex. 11px

Attribute left:

1. auto
2. inherit
3. (value) 1 to 900 By using px Ex. 11px

I put only popular attributes and values if you want some additional then flow this link.
CSS Attribute by Microsoft.
If you have some problem or question then you can post or Discuss that in our Groups.
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